Friday, November 13, 2015

Week of 11/9/2015

Grades 3-5:  Fitness testing has begun!  This week, students in grades 3-5 started fitness testing items.  This week, most classes finished flexed arm hang and sit and reach testing.  For these two tests, we run the class in centers.  One center is the fitness test for that day.   Next week, we will do curl-ups and trunk lift testing.  For more information about fitness testing, see previous fitness testing blog posts (tagged with "Fitness Testing" in labels) or the FitnessGram website.

Upper elementary centers included:
  • exercises:  choose from ski jumps, jumping jacks, ABC strong soldiers, push ups
  • fitness test:  sit and reach or flexed arm hang
  • jump rope
  • hula hoops
Grades Y5-2:  Centers, centers, centers!  This week, younger students have learned and/or reviewed center expectations in PE.  These include:
  • follow the directions at the center
  • when music stops / whistle, clean up, sit, and point at your next center
  • stay at your center until the signal to clean up, sit, and point
Second graders also took a district common assessment.  The assessment is a written true/false test to measure cognitive concepts related to physical education and health concepts.
Lower elementary centers included:
  • exercises:  jumping jacks, ski jumps, ABC strong soldiers, scissor jumps, leg stretch, arm stretch
  • bowling
  • balance beam/sight word walk:  criss cross walk (crossing the body's midline) while reading sight words on floor tape
  • hula hoop
Criss cross sight words station.  Each piece of white tape has a sight word on it for students to read as they criss-cross step.  
Young Fives enjoy hula hoops!
Young Fives at our bowling center.
Our SXI class had centers, too:  bowling and tball!  Students loved using the ramp to roll the ball and knocking down the pins.  Tball is also fun, practicing holding the bat, striking the ball, and then zooming to each base.  

ASD classrooms continue with our routines each PE class:  walk, warm-up, skills, kickball, and choice time.  Warm-up time is focused on four main locomotor skills:  skip, gallop, sideways slide-step, and running.  These locomotor skills are the basis for most games and sports.  Skill work with each student depends on their current skill level, and is mostly focused on throwing, kicking, and catching.  These skills are the base for most games and sports.  

Health (1st grade) classes have worked on "Safety on Wheels":  bike, scooter, rollerblade, skateboard safety.  We looked at posters and discussed rules we should follow when using bikes, scooters, and other things with wheels.  Then, students drew a picture of themselves following safety rules using equipment with wheels.  During the second health class of the week, we started discussing fire safety!  We watched a 10 minute video about fire safety, and then discussed fire and burn safety rules.  

One student's drawing of her following bike safety rules
Safety on wheels illustration

First graders hard at work.
Skateboard safety

Skateboard and bike safety