Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fitness Testing....and more

Fitness Testing continues!  With missed days of school, we are continuing to work on finishing up our fitness testing. :)

For younger grades (Y5, K, 1, and 2), aerobic capacity (cardiovascular fitness) test results are reported as all being in the Healthy Fitness Zone (no matter the score).  This is because the students are too young to have accurate data representing what qualifies for the Healthy Fitness Zone for their age.  Why test these students, if the results aren't viewed the same as older students?  These experiences help students learn about fitness testing:  how it feels, looks, and sounds.  We talk about why we are doing any fitness testing, and why each area of fitness is important.  For example, when discussing the Flexed Arm Hang, we talk about why upper body strength is important, and what types of activities and exercises can help strengthen upper body muscles.

The FitnessGram website provides a wealth of information about the testing program.  FitnessGram final reports will be sent home with students in June, along with their final report card.  We generally participate in a pre-test in the fall (including the mile run), and then a post-test anytime after the new year (including PACER).  We'll also do a post-test for the mile run when the weather improves.

We'll also continue exploring nutrition topics with PE/Humanities-Health classes (K & 1).