Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Health: Safety

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been covering safety in kindergarten and first grade health.  Lessons are different based on their grade level, but cover the same basic concepts.  Last time I posted on the blog about health lessons, we were discussing fire safety and safety when moving around and on wheels.  We have since moved on to personal safety.  Personal safety is:

  • Following safety rules
  • Being aware of what is going on around you
  • Taking safe action in situations that could be dangerous, destructive, or disturbing
  • Asking for help when it is needed
Both grade levels discussed a rule for telling right away:  if something is Dangerous, Destructive, or Disturbing.  Those are what we refer to as our "3 Ds of Telling".  That means if something fits one of those words, we tell a trusted adult right away.  We discussed examples of trusted adults, and students came up with extensive lists of adults they can trust in these types of situations to help.  Some situations are so serious that they are considered emergencies.  Emergencies are when someone needs the help of a doctor, firefighter, or police officer RIGHT AWAY.  We talked about when to call 911 and why it's important to know how to call.  

We also discussed good touch and bad/confusing touches, and how to stay safer from bad touch.  The Michigan Model of Health outcomes for this area of our curriculum are: 

  • Students will comprehend concepts related to appropriate and inappropriate touch.
  • Students will demonstrate strategies to avoid personally unsafe situations and to get away in cases of inappropriate touch or abduction.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to ask a trusted adult for help.
We watched a video related to this topic, and also had a class discussion about these issues.  Students did a great job listening respectfully and actively participating in our lessons about these serious and extremely important topics.