Monday, December 8, 2014

Y5 and K: Week of 12/8/2014

Ball Familiarization

Young Fives and Kindergarteners will be working with playground balls (aka kickball ball, bouncy ball) this week.  They'll be doing different exploration tasks with them, such as:
  • holding the ball in different locations relative to their body (high, low, to the right, left, in front, behind, etc.) -- trying this with both hands and then with one hand, and the other hand
  • making a bridge over the ball
  • sitting down, "criss cross applesauced", with ball in both hands -- try to stand up without using hands to help or letting go of the ball
  • rolling the ball around body parts while sitting/standing
  • rolling the ball against the wall and catching it
  • partner rolling tasks

Check the PE blog later in the week for pictures of students experiencing these lessons!!