Monday, December 17, 2012

Locomotor Go Fish!

This week, grades K-4 will play Locomotor Go Fish.  (All fifth grade classes are having their well-deserved game days!  See the earlier blog post, PBIS in the Gym, for more information about game days and how they work.)  Locomotor Go Fish integrates letter recognition, spelling, locomotor skills, teamwork, and cooperation.

Cards with letters spelling some locomotor skills (gallop, hop, run, skip, jump, walk) are scrambled, face down, in the center of the gym.

The Fish "Pond"
Six cones are set up along the endlines of the gym.  Each cone has a locomotor skill sign attached to it:  gallop, hop, run, skip, jump, or walk.  Students are divided equally among the cones.
One half of the gym, with walk, jump, and skip cones set up.
The other half of the gym has cards for run, hop, and gallop.  
On the "Go" signal, students leave their team cone in relay-formation (using the corresponding locomotor skill of their team), go to the center circle, and get one card to bring back to their team.  If they need the card to spell their skill, their team keeps it and the next person in line goes to the center to get another card. If they don't need the card to spell their skill, the next person in line takes the card back to the center, and brings a different card back to the team.

Teams continue like this until they have spelled their skill, then they sit quietly at their cone until all teams have finished.
This upper elementary team has spelled their skill, hop, and is quietly waiting for other teams to finish.  
Upper elementary students keep their cards in front of their team cone.  Lower elementary students have a larger laminated paper with their word on it to help with matching the letters.
This lower elementary team needs to find the "O" card to finish spelling their skill, gallop.