Friday, October 2, 2015

1st grade health: Social and Emotional Health

In first grade health, we are working on our Social and Emotional Health unit.  We have learned:

  • How family members and friends build relationships by listening and helping one another
  • How to predict the potential feelings of others and how to find out how others feel
  • How to use interpersonal communication to enhance health, including courteous communication, recognizing and expressing feelings, listening, compliments, and appreciations
We read the book How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath.  The book shows students that we all have a "bucket" with our positive, good feelings.  We fill our own bucket AND others' buckets when we do kind, thoughtful, caring things for other people.  We empty our own bucket and take from others' buckets when we do unkind things.  

Students brainstormed a wonderful list of ways we can help at home and with friends.  Students were given a piece of paper and asked to draw themselves helping at home or helping a friend.  Here are some of their drawings.  Look for your student's sheet to come home today or Monday!  

Helping someone who is hurt

Helping do the dishes

Helping set the table

Helping with cooking

Helping by playing with a younger sibling

Helping with dishes

Helping with dishes

Setting the table

Helping someone who has dropped a pile of papers

Helping carry things

Helping clean the house
For the rest of this health unit, we'll learn how to use a decision making model to help guide our  choices.